sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2012



 Well, in this promotion, aims to expose their ideas, the way to express their creativity in a story in which readers of our blog will feel really involved.
 Work as follows: each week, as we receive the "imagine" you, let's look at the stories and see if it will affect the emotions of the reader (only two stories will be chosen per week), if it does, we'll post them here blog, where everyone to read. His story will be translated into Portuguese, with the same two stories in which one is in Portuguese and one in English, because there are Brazilians readers who want to read your story. (It is important to have your name so we can give credit to you).

Step by step:
     * Write a story that contains primarily an introduction (which the character's name, as it is, what's going on and mention that the reader must imagine themselves in the place of the main character), soon after, to produce the story your way, counting there is some relationship of friendship, romance or hate with someone famous. # HISTORY CAN NOT CONTAIN MORE THAN THREE LEAVES, AND NEITHER IMAGES AND GIFS; JUST DESCRIPTIONS.

     * When you have finished your story, send it to the e-mail: (Always be reading the "imagine" not send you message back saying if his story was posted on the blog, you must always follow to see if your story is chosen. Remembering that if the author of the story did not mention his name in the text , will be placed as the anonymous author.)

     * After sending, please wait and check out the blog if your text was chosen. Remember that when you follow the instructions above, the text will be disqualified.

  -Give suggestions

 At every two weeks you could give us suggestions for our "imagine" as: a romance with a famous, an intrigue with a famous, a true friendship with a famous, a betrayal of a famous, well, you're the boss, and we do his will. The "imagine" will be chosen according to the order that comes in our email, we will take into account a period of two weeks to be created a story with your suggestion. Two suggestions will be chosen, a story, I, Luiza, will, and the other, Larissa, will do. At the end of the story will have the credits, which will be the name of the person who gave the idea. To send your suggestion just send to our email:

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